Syllabus Language

Feel free to customize the suggested syllabus language on the library and our student support services.

Liaison Librarian and Knowledge Market Syllabus Language

In addition to many online resources, the GVSU University Libraries has three campus locations where you may access library materials: Mary Idema Pew Library  (Allendale campus), Steelcase Library (Grand Rapids campus), and Frey Foundation Learning Commons (Grand Rapids, DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health).

Liaison librarian

Each department has a designated librarian to support your research needs.  [Insert name] is our liaison librarian for [insert department name].  Their email is  and their office is located in .  You are welcome to stop by their office or make an appointment. Here is a link to the library's subject guide to [insert subject or course guide name]: [insert link]

WRT 120, 130, and 150 Syllabus Language

In addition to many online resources, the GVSU University Libraries has three campus locations where you may access library materials: Mary Idema Pew Library (Allendale campus), Steelcase Library (Grand Rapids campus), and Frey Foundation Learning Commons (Grand Rapids, DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health).

Liaison librarians

Liaison librarians can help you search for and select the best sources for your paper or project, develop research questions, identify research strategies, evaluate the usefulness of specific sources, and find relevant and reliable information and data online. We have a team of liaison librarians who partner with WRT 120, 130, and 150 teachers to support your research needs. Your librarian may visit your class, meet with you one-on-one, and provide assistance via email.  Ask your teacher for the name of the librarian assigned to your class.  Here is a link to the library's guide to first-year writing related resources:

Knowledge Market Syllabus Language

Knowledge Market

Our highly trained student consultants work one-on-one or in small groups to help with your library research, digital skills, writing, and oral presentations. Visit our Resource Market, an online database of browsable resources, which is available 24/7. For information about the Knowledge Market or to make an in-person or virtual appointment, visit

Library Research Center

The Library Research Center offers in-person and online support for students. Research consultants can help students brainstorm ideas, find information, evaluate sources, write annotated bibliographies, and create citations. For information about the Library Research Center or to make an appointment, visit

Digital Creator Lab

Staffed by Digital Skills Consultants, the Digital Creator Lab (DCL) is located on the 2nd floor of the Mary Idema Pew Library and offers in-person and online support for students. Digital skills Consultants can help students with their digital media projects, such as videos, digital presentations, and podcasts.  For more information about the Digital Creator Lb or to schedule an appointment, visit

Page last modified February 3, 2025